“We don’t care about them.” Megyn Kelly on all the media other than conservative media.
This is somewhat of a problem for not only Megyn Kelly but every host or employee of Fox News. They will never find credible journalistic work outside that bubble. They, like Bill O’Reilly, will all grow old, decrepit, ugly and die at Fox News. There is no where to go but down until we the KILLING MEGYN book comes out.
There are two ways of looking at the LIBERAL BIASED NEWS MEDIA. First that it has no liberal bias at all but a corporate bias, feeding the people what they want to hear for advertising share. Or secondly that the LIBERAL BIAS being attacked by the Far Right is in reality the median standard of human culture and politics in the world we live in, as opposed to the world we lived in once long ago
Oh and the Ferguson issue at at hand? Fox News got the HANDS UP thing right. Even I never went with it, but the media was reporting on those who were doing the HANDS UP. But HANDS UP is not the real issue in any of this. Rather it is the embedded racism in the Ferguson police and politics which is typical throughout America. And that is what Fox News ignored then and is still ignoring now. And hey, that black Attorney General Eric Holder, who they hate almost as much as that Black President Barack Obama, handed them their endless righteous blather a silver platter full of Mint Juleps.