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Jon Stewart, Glenn Beck interviews Sarah Palin

On the heels of the day before fair and balanced Fox News interview of Sarah Palin by Bill O’Reilly, we have an even more fair and balanced interview of Sarah Palin by Glenn Beck.

Wow… This is scary, applying a bit of relativity, that little clip shows Sarah Palin as a calm, collected GENIUS. Which should scare the B’Jesus out of you.

And the question arises is Glenn Beck retarded?

I remember back when we had a family member we would have to suffer on xmas every year. He was a young twenty something cousin who looked much like Beck. That same goofiness. He was also a rubber. Coming off his high school job as class projectionist, he got a job at the local college "rubbing" football players in locker rooms. I cannot recall any of us ever going into any depth with that. We always made room for him at the children’s table.