“I assume that those who cling to old beliefs will be able to whisper their thoughts in the recesses of their homes, but if they repeat those views in public, they will risk being labeled as bigots and treated as such by governments, employers and schools.” Justice Samuel Alito expressing the good that will come out of this decision.
The best point that Jon Stewart makes here is in response to the standard crap from these bigots – bigtots, for that is what they are by definition and in every sense of the word – that the next thing will be having three people marrying turtles and goats. Hey, people are NOT BORN polygamous or into bestiality.
Their next argument is that God says marriage is between one man and one woman. No, the Bible, the word of God, says it is between one man and many women.
Then we have the argument that marriage is to procreate, which is what God requires of us. Hello? Jesus? Hello?
Next comes their argument that they cannot be called bigots because they only want to put their bigotry into law in some states, not all states. You know which states, the same ones that have wallowed in racism and bigotry for hundreds of years.
And not to forget their immediate screeching that preachers, pastors, rabbis, mullahs and flower shop owners will soon all be rounded up and put in jail for refusing to preform or partake in gay marriages. Which seems to point to bigotry being universal to all religions. Or come to think of it, bigotry being the very basis of religion. My way or the highway.
Republican = religion = bigotry