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Jon Stewart, Toronto Boys Rob Ford and Justin Bieber

toronto bad boysIn the world capital of hockey, Rob Ford and Justin Bieber are in trouble for hitting people. Who would have guessed. Yes, HITTING PEOPLE! Unlike here in America where we just shoot people dead, about 40 a day. And then we execute the perpetrators.

You know Toronto gets the same movies, TV, and video games we do. So what’s the difference between Toronto [Canada] where they hit people and Buffalo [America] where they kill people? Gun enthusiasm is one big difference and another is that twice as many Americans, 44% believe god created the Earth and man less than 10,000 years ago and only 22% of Canadians believe that silly crap.  So listing the causes of violence in a culture puts guns and silly religious crap above video games, TV and movies.

Is it just me, or does everyone have a friend or acquaintance like Rob Ford and Justin Bieber?  Who I had fun with. The thing is they were not mayors or role models to millions of kids. They were just… What did we used to call them… Ah, Hellraisers… You ever know any Hellraisers?