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Jordan Klepper, Right-wing Papa John’s Pizza with Papa John H. Schnatter

Jordan Klepper, Right-wing Papa John's Pizza with Papa John H. Schnatter

Jordan Klepper, Right-wing Papa John's Pizza with Papa John H. SchnatterWhen this story hit cable news and the internet I found myself agreeing with The Donald about The Media. John H. Schnatter saying Black men taking the knee in the NFL has brought his sales down to a crawl while most other food advertisers say they suffered no ill effect. The point is that none of the stories about this mentioned that John H. Schnatter is a Trump cultist. Or even mentioned his name or his politics. The Media is trying to win over the Republican Base?  ARE YOU FKING NUTS?  Gosh… It’s what the guns are for. Well specifically the assault rifles are for taking out Negroes, Mexicans, Muslims, Libtards, the Police, our Troops, fellow employees, movie goers, restaurant eaters and children in schools. What Republicans want is for those assault rifles to have bump stocks and silencers.  Really!  Gosh…