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Key & Peele: Obama Snubs Whites at Meet & Greet

Key & Peele: Obama Snubs Whites at Meet & Greet

In this Key and Peele sketch,   President Obama is introduced to a group of onlookers after giving a speech, but not everyone receives the same treatment. If Obama behaved in the way he’s accused of acting by some right wing pundits and flaky congressional members, this sketch might be an accurate picture of the man. When Congress refuses pass a bill, they claim Obama won’t reach across the aisle. He’s been accused of being ‘aloof’ and has even taken hits for not being the President with whom they could have a beer.  Truthfully, we all know that the President requires chiropractic adjustments from years of stretching to reach Republicans, and when invited to socialize, Republicans have repeatedly begged off due to important matters of state or family emergencies. They can later be found doing Jello shots in a D.C. bar and throwing darts at a life size photo of the President.

In this sketch, white people are given a stiff, formal greeting while black people are given enthusiastic warm hugs. When in doubt about someone’s background, a Secret Service agent prompts the President, who may then judge the proper greeting for the individual. Even white babies are given short shrift!   It should be noted that one of President Obama’s first minor miracles was to instantly calm a crying (white) baby. The child’s mother and Michelle Obama tried in vain to calm the screaming infant, and only reluctantly yielded to the President’s request to hold him. Once in the arms of the leader of the free world, the child quieted instantly. He was soon to learn that infants are much easier to charm than childish Congressmen.