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Kids on Steroids, A Rod Role model

kids on steroidsIt is not only cheating honest players today and all players from the past, but about as bad a role model a kid can have. Not as bad as Ted Nugent though.

As the years pass I have come to realize that violence is the greatest evil in the world past and present. And here in America, where I live with my family, it is the celebration of guns that is the leading cause of that violence. Followed by executions and slapping our children around.

What gets my goat is that our propensity to the gun culture, execution and hitting kids is connected to how Christian a person or state happens to be. This corruption of Christianity, or bastardization of Christ if you will, is the most disgusting area of American politics to date. Which does not even address the bigotry, intolerance and ignorance inherent in our American brand of Christianity.

You can’t take religion away from people, too much of humanity is in need of some hope beyond their present miserable existence, but it can be changed.