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Who Killed Michael Brown?

Who Killed Michael Brown? Cartoon video

Now that it’s official, and Darren Wilson did not kill Michael Brown, the mystery of the year is – who did it? Step forward, and ‘fess up please! Listen to Fox News and you’ll hear that the scourge of black on black crime is responsible…But Wilson is white and Brown was black, and I’m not following the ‘logic.’ Besides, incoming information shows evidence of  – white on white crime! There just isn’t as much evidence of ‘White Police on White Suspect’  crime.
Another favorite place to lay blame is ‘rap music.’ Maybe if the kids were listening to a nice white singer – someone like Barry Manilow,  they wouldn’t be all wild and thug-like?  Let’s rethink that one.  I’m not particularly a rap fan, but we would have full scale insurrection on our hands, and I’d be leading it.  Fox obviously has no idea of how many white kids listen to rap music.
Needless to say, white kids are involved in social media in a big way,  sagging pants, and their parents divorce at a competitive rate…All of the usual things pundits like to use in order to say “you made your own problems” to blacks.

If all of those things aren’t responsible for the death of Michael Brown – instead of Officer Wilson, what’s left? We heard that  Michael Brown was a ‘thug’ having robbed a convenience store of a package of cigarillos just moments before he met his death at the hands of a ‘frightened’ police officer.
What’s this? Video evidence disproves this lie. He did make a purchase, but after right wing media outlets presented him as a bully and a thief, that is exactly what he became in the eyes of the public.
Once exposed,no one was anxious to broadcast the truth, because it’s not a very pretty story when an officer shoots down an innocent civilian, is it?

It seems that everyone but Darren Wilson is responsible for the death of Michael Brown.  It’s Michael Brown’s fault, black-on-black violence is at fault, it’s a culture of disrespect and lawbreaking that’s at fault, take your pick.  Perhaps the best spew of logic came from Rudy Giuliani, who essentially said, if you black people didn’t kill yourselves so much we wouldn’t have to send so many white cops down there to kill you as well.
Yes, crime in black communities is bad.  Yes, white police officers killing unarmed black people is bad.  Are we not capable of holding two thoughts in our collective head at the same time?  It sure seems that many people only talk of “black-on-black” crime when they are defending a white police officer.  Mark Fiore