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Last Week Tonight John Oliver Explains Scottish Independence

Last Week Tonight John Oliver Scottish Independence
Last Week Tonight may well change the Scottish independence vote with John Oliver’s intervention, which he has cleverly based upon the formula of a British Romantic comedy.  John suspects that Americans may have a gap in our knowledge of Scotland. Says Oliver,”Americans know it as the birthplace of Shrek, and that accent you think you can do but actually can’t.”  May I add, a genuine Scottish accent is what Sean Connery uses whether is is playing 007, a Russian Submarine commander, an American military officer or a Spanish Immortal.

I am jealous immediately upon learning that Scotland’s national animal is a unicorn! That’s what I learned from all of this.We have a big bald bird. Really, America?

Why the breakup now?  It seems that British Prime Minister David Cameron is widely considered in both countries to be “an Asshole.”  The opposing campaigns and slogans speak volumes. The British have embraced “Better Together” as a slogan.The British faction are financed by millionaires like JK Rowling. The Scottish embrace the succinct slogan “No Thanks.” There may be a hand gesture which accompanies it. This faction is financed by a lovely couple who won the lottery and donated the proceedings. This gesture alone, gets my support.

There are no apologies, flowers or chocolates from verbally abusive Cameron. His only effort has been to claim, “I would be heartbroken if this family of nations is torn apart.”  I believe he just gave them another reason to secede.   After all of the bloody insurrections Britain has weathered, Scotland should get consideration for a peaceful and democratic bid for independence. We have the tri-corner hats and muskets, it’s not inconceivable we could help Scotland remind Britain how ugly these things can get!

John Oliver is going to save this thing for Britain if anyone can. To that end, John gamely digs into a plate of Haggis, then slugs it down with genuine Scottish Whiskey…Gasping, “Tastes like a delicious house fire.”

Now for the ultimate finale!  John makes the big British romantic comedy gesture! Think Hugh Grant in the movie “About A Boy.”  If you haven’t seen it – who are you?!   I refuse to be a complete spoiler, but John’s brilliant message involves a unicorn, bagpipes and John holding up irresistible signs.

Rest assured Scotland, to paraphrase William Wallace,. You may well get your freedom, but they’ll never take your bagpipes!