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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver – Darth Vader, Chewbacca in Ukraine Election – Video

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - Darth Vader, Chewbacca  in Ukraine Election - Video

John Oliver is right, we don’t often hear wild and zany things from the Ukraine, but oddly enough,  their local elections last week  proved to be the exception as  Chewbacca and Darth Vader both  figured prominently in election news.

The friendly, hard-working people of the Ukraine are not running slipshod elections, as the two Star Wars figures found out on election day when Chewbacca was hustled away from the polling place for failing to present proper ID – and for campaigning on election day  in behalf of Darth Vader for Mayor. Chewy – who has no wallet or pockets,  might as well have stayed home for all of the luck Vader was having across town, snarled in red tape, the Force having deserted him.
If   you’re puzzled as to why Chewy would even be on the same side as Darth  Vader, John  explains it all…Although it’s kinda sad that he knows that much about Star Wars.