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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: The Lost Graphics, Web Exclusive

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: The Lost Graphics, Web Exclusive

In this Web Exclusive from Last Week Tonight, John Oliver shows off the amazing Lost Graphics that never made it onto the show. John knew we would experience separation anxiety this week, so he left us this web-only video to get us through until next Sunday. Not only is this a good four-minute giggle, but you may find graphics that you can use. You see, Last Week Tonight  created graphics and photos that didn’t get used. In fact, they can’t honestly remember why most of the images were created in the first place.

It’s good news for us. You never know when you might need a photo of an ‘Aqua-Trump’ – a whale with a toupee. There is a beautiful magazine cover for “Cockfighting Aficionado” and you will definitely need ‘Kid Rock driving monster truck through Dairy Queen’ one day. Unbelievably, there was no google image of this. Last Week Staff are good sports, and generous with their children’s images too.The adorable toddler in the photo has been cut many times: a heartless Oliver says: “You’re cute kid. You’re just not TV cute.”  If you’ve ever wondered what John Olver would look like in a Mohawk, today’s your lucky Monday…Have a happy one! (Sorry, I secretly dislike it when people say ‘Have a good one, – as if you’d planned to have a rotten one) Let’s all just try our best!