On Last Week Tonight John Oliver focuses on the ‘T” in LGBT, while observing that this week’s gay rights victory was historic, but the transgender community still faces staggering challenges.
John lists numerous incidents in which transgender people in our country are humiliated, dehumanized, physically assaulted and emotionally traumatized. It follows that they are more likely to commit suicide and suffer a host of emotional and financial ills as a result.
Understanding should be at an all time high, as transgender people are in hot demand by the media. The other side of that coin is just strange. Hosts and reporters feel free to ask questions of these guests of a nature, so personal that most of us only share such information with our doctor. Never is a heterosexual guest asked to describe his or her genitalia – although some may offer the information. .
Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is very concerned about bathrooms! Uncle Huck shares his twisted sexual fantasies, and continues his campaign to foster ignorance and fear of the transgender community.
John’s segment is extremely interesting, funny and informative. Best of all, John places the problems faced by the transgender community, exactly where they belong, with all of us, in the realm of civil rights.