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Lonesome George Zimmerman Sinks Florida Gun Show

Lonesome George Zimmerman Sinks Fla Gun Show, People Are Outraged, 'Fans' Stay Away

An Orlando gun show promoter claims he lost 0 thousand dollars in sales, and it’s all because of his ‘guest star’ George Zimmerman. The two deserving losers cooked up a scheme where Zimmerman would sign autographs for his hordes of adoring gun rights fans, who would flock to the gun show. ..They didn’t.

The event was rocky from the beginning.  The original (larger) venue for the show backed out because of the controversy surrounding Zimmerman. Ah, but things worked out just fine in the smaller Arms Room, because the crowd was ‘somewhat’ smaller than anticipated. In fact, it was so much smaller that Zimmerman could have fit his ‘fans’ into a couple of booths at Denny’s…Assuming they all rolled up at the same time.  What you see pictured is a sign proclaiming the line to see Zimmerman ‘starts here’ and an arrow. There were approximately 20 people who eventually straggled in to get an autographed photo of a very thin, almost unrecognizable Zimmerman and a very photogenic dog.

This is the same George Zimmerman who got away with taking the life of young, unarmed Trayvon Martin. After receiving some support from ‘out-there’ pro-gun nuts and racists, the neighborhood watch captain grew enamored of the spotlight…And why not? Many of us watched a traffic stop in which Zimmerman escaped a ticket by asking the trooper if he’d ‘noticed’ his name…Wink,wink.  To our horror, the cop broke into a smile and  treated George Zimmerman like a star he was just lucky enough to have pulled over!

George Zimmerman has never shown remorse for the cold blooded killing of young Trayvon Martin.   Nor has he been content to stay out of the limelight – quite the contrary!  Instead the sociopath and liar rode his notoriety as if it was his ticket to a life of stardom. Finally ‘what goes around is coming around’ for George Zimmerman, though it’s been a long time coming.

In the time since he escaped justice Zimmerman has stayed in the public eye through various schemes. He’s much like O J, without the celebrity career ‘before’ he went crazy and committed murder.  When Zimmerman  and his girlfriend aren’t making highly manipulative 911 calls about domestic abuse situations, Zimmerman has been trying to push his ‘paintings’ on ebay, with some puzzling luck.
At long last, the worm is turning for the publicity seeking killer.   Zimmerman was recently scheduled to fight in a celebrity boxing match which had to be cancelled, because a majority of people thought it was in bad taste.  There is plenty of bad taste to go around and turn into outrage! First of all, promoting Zimmerman as a ‘celebrity’ in the match, and of course seeing him prosper from notoriety ‘gained’ by killing a teenage boy.

Obviously the promoter and Zimmerman didn’t count upon public outrage…Never dawned on them, I’d wager.  You know you are lower than pond scum when you can kill a gun show single handedly, they are rather well- attended  events in this country.  Well done Florida!


The New York Daily News described the woeful scene.
Only a few handfuls of people showed up Saturday to meet a Florida gun show’s special guest of dishonor — George Zimmerman.

Over the course of six hours, fewer than 20 people at the New Orlando Gun Show asked for a free autograph or photo with Trayvon Martin’s reclusive killer, who was hanging out in a rear office of The Arms Room gun store in Orlando.

“He seemed nervous and actually a little scared to be there. He also appeared emotional, like he was really thankful and touched that people would come out to see him,” said Melissa.
“It was pretty weird to meet him in person — and wow, he has gained a lot of weight!”