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Miami Principle Roberto Iber fired for commending McKinny Policeman Eric Boltcase

“He did nothing wrong, he was afraid for his life. I commend him for his actions,” ex Miami School principle Roberto Iber commending on the actions of ex McKinny, Texas police officer Eric Casebolt for his actions in man handling a a 14 year old black girl in a bikini and pulling a gun on another middle school kid.

X Principle Roberto IberThe first thing I feel obligated to point out is that as soon as I saw Officer Casebolt do that needless barrel roll on the grass between the sidewalk and street I knew we had a batpoop crazy cop on our hands.

The racism involved keeps coming and coming. From the white woman who did the needless 911 call about black middle school kids overtaking the pool, to another call that lied about black kids having sex and doing drugs at the pool, to the crazy cop going nuts on black kids, to the white guys standing around, to it NOT being a 14 year old white girl, to talk radio, Fox News and Roberto Iber calling the cop a hero and blaming it all on black kids. As these same entities lay the same blame on the same people every single time in every single case like this. But of course that is not racism they tell us. So I guess we would have to call it Republicanism.

Then there is the political correctness involved in getting fired for saying stupid things. A long time ago I looked into how this PC business all began. The first time I could find the word being used was when a black female college student was consistently finding GO HOME NWORD notes slipped under her dorm room door. The perpetrator was found and suspended claiming his troubles were all the fault of liberal PC fanatics.

I don’t like PC at all, I cringe every time I see it no matter how correct it may be. It is what caused us back then to use the L WORD rather than admit to being a liberal. It is how the GOP has so successfully defined liberalism as Nazism. It is what made Independents and Moderates Republicans only calling themselves Independents and Moderated. It is an affront to free speech. But with that said what we don’t hear is that it is a two way street from all those trailer trash hillbilly Christian retards.

What about the end game for these kind of errant individuals though? I suspect both will soon be moving up to Idaho. Erick Casebolt living there on Badcop with that Mark Fuhrman founded and Roberto Iber teaching in schools where the Idaho GOP is about to pass a law requiring teachers use the Bible in public schools to teach astronomy, biology and geology.