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Molly White & Christine Weick Texas Dirtbags

Molly White & Christine Weick Texas Dirtbags

“Reproductive rights, family planning and safe sex is the greatest hoax ever devised against women and families.” Texas State Rep Molly White.

Also keep in mind Molly White – who with an Israeli flag on her desk and about as Jewish as Mel Gibson – last week required Muslims coming to her office to denounce Islamic terrorism and publicly announce their allegiance to America with the Pledge of Allegiance.

I wonder where Molly White and Christine Weick have their first allegiance? Jesus Christ or America? And round and round it goes. It’s when this make believe world of theirs becomes the dominate feature in their lives that trouble comes, big bloody trouble. Long ago someone explained that as well as can be done. On no, not literature!

“Now, as I before hinted, I have no objection to any person’s religion, be it what it may, so long as that person does not kill or insult any other person, because that other person don’t believe it also. But when a man’s religion becomes really frantic; when it is a positive torment to him; and, in fine, makes this earth of ours an uncomfortable inn to lodge in, then I think it high time to take that individual aside and argue the point with him.” Ishmael – From Moby-Dick by Herman Melville.

Texas State Representative Molly White and her citizen doppelganger Christine Weick are on a dirtbag rampage. Bringing shades of Westboro Baptist to Austin. I use the first quote and a the picture collage to show it is not just their dirbaggery concerning Muslims, but just about everything they put voice too. Which begs the question, who do they hate more, Gays, Muslims or Planned Parenthood? Does it matter? It seems their lives are evenly divided between hate, anger and stupid. You know hate & anger, the stuff of Jesus Christ. You think either of these women do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?

For those outside the Texas news loop, last week a couple hundred middle school and high school Muslim girls went to Austin to learn about Texas freedom. Boy did they get a good lesson in that. They saw Christine Weick wrestle the microphone from Muslims speakers to pitch her hatred to the crowd. Christine Weick video

Texas Tea Party Republican Governor Greg Abbott and moderate Republican Speaker of the Texas House Joe Straus both mumbled ambiguous quotes about freedom of speech without pointing to one side or the other. There are sides. The good side and the dirtball side and they are not equal. For after all, not all things are Fox News.

There is a problem for me in this which we can best call the Bill Maher / Ben Affleck argument. That if Bill Maher and I point our fingers at Islam and the violence, intolerance and misogyny it promotes all over the world, then we are guilty of giving succor to the Molly Whites and Christine Weicks of the world. While the politically correct Ben Affleck more liberal side knows better.

Well I have to take a hit on that, but come on, what Bill Maher or I have to say about anything does not affect the dirtballism at play in all this. No, it’s best to tell the truth straight up. RELIGION, no matter the brand, is the greatest purveyor of intolerance, bigotry and stupid in the world past and present. That’s the truth, but you will not hear it from American politicians or the American media. The rest of the civilized world doesn’t even talk about it this anymore, for it’s been known known for generations.