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New Rules Bill Maher, Ben Carson incompetent & crazy, Nov 6 2015

New Rules Bill Maher, Ben Carson incompetent & crazy, Nov 6 2015Ben Carson fans don’t want anyone with any experience governing at all, when their toilets back up they call the NRA, when they need brain surgery they call a plumber.

Hey, some lady at CNN finally got Dr Ben’s dander up! Holyhockerlockers he is gone off the ambien and is on a rampage against the liberal bias media who is asking him questions about all the silly crap he has said and is still saying. He is running for president on his faith which he believes should not be questioned. And his Republican Base agrees.

I just googled the Bible timeline. It’s cool!  Here is a condensed version. Remember Ben Carson says everything in the Bible is literally true.

4000BC – Creation & Garden of Eden
2550BC – Pyramids of Giza are built [reality]
2500BC – Noah and the flood
2085BC – God tells Abraham to kill his Son to prove his faith
1880BC – Joseph comes to power in Egypt
1450BC – Moses leads the Exodus our of Egypt
5BC      – God impregnates a 15 year old Jewish virgin
30AD     – Jesus dies on the cross for all the sinful babies
325AD   – Roman emperor Constantine makes Christianity the state religion
1517AD – Reformation, Martin Luther splits with Catholics to found Protestantism
1844AD – Ellen White founds the Seventh Day Adventists
2015AD – Dr Ben Carson runs for president as a Seventh Day Adventist

Ben Carson, beloved by the Republican Base, believes that the pyramids were not only built 500 years later than they actually were but are hollow to hold grain. Then doubles and triples down on it. What a boon for the world to have a United States president and wise Middle East scholar to make decisions there in the armpit of the world. And what is it that makes it the armpit of the world? Well besides the sand and rubble.

A quick rundown of Seventh Day Adventists is that like Jews and Muslims they celebrate the Sabbath on Saturday, bad people who die go to the Void rather than Hell, that the End Times are just few years away and that all other religions will follow the Anti-Christ – including protestants and especially the demon Catholics – to round up Seventh Day Adventists and put them to death. A religion of high paranoia.

For a brief look into the beliefs of Seventh Day Adventists and the schism within here is the most recent rundown Conservatives Are Mad Because Ben Carson’s Been Questioned About His Faith. Here’s Why They’re Wrong.