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The GOP Global Warming and Round Earth Hoax, Nick Anderson Cartoon

global warming cartoon

For the GOP the answers do not lie in science but rather in anecdotal evidence. If it’s cold here it’s cold everywhere. If I see monkeys in the zoo and go back the following week and haven’t become car salesman, then evolution is a lie.  If I drink a 12 pack after work every day, everyone drinks a 12 pack after work everyday. Though that one is true if you live in Wisconsin.

What is it that gets people to believe such silly crap? What can screw up a person’s brain so profoundly they are able to dwell in their own little world of irrationality? And most upsetting, then loudly claim their lies are THE TRUTH.  When they attack those who who use reason and rationality to make their points as the ones being being irrational and unreasonable it causes some otherwise quiet people to stand up and shout, or what is now with the rise the “NONES” called “meany atheism.” It’s about turning the truth on its head and laughing about it. Playing semantics and pseudo intellectual mind games to confuse and deny reality, which can get under and rational person’s skin.

The angriest letter Albert Einstein every wrote was to those who claimed his simple statement that “God does not play dice with the universe” meant he was a believer in interactive deities. It made the smartest man in the world the angriest he every became, as it does most reasonable people these days. It is not so much the bullsht, but claiming the bullcrap is rational, reasonable TRUTH of the matter.