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Noah and the Ark land in Kentucky

Noah and the Ark land in Kentucky

Young Earth creationist Ken Ham is about to open his second religious theme park in Kentucky, the $100 million dollar Noah’s Ark over two football fields long will have 30 pair of stuffed animals, including T-rex and wife.  There will be only 30 examples of the paired million species of animals on the real ark because museum curator Ken Ham says to actually fill The Ark with more would require many many bathrooms for the public which are cost prohibitive.

It is good that he included the pictures of the six individuals all humanity is descended from, his three sons and their wives who populated the Earth with Caucasians, Negroes, Asians, American Indians, Samoans and Eskimos.  I do wonder why representation of Noah’s wife is missing. Perhaps she got caught up in the sodomy and gomerism?

Worldwide polls showed 28% claimed to be creationists here are the American numbers: .

68% of Republicans do not accept evolution.
45% of Americans believe “God created humans in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years”
39% of Americans believe “God created the universe, the earth, the sun, moon, stars, plants, animals, and the first two people within the past 10,000 years”
30% of Americans say the Bible is the literal truth.

Donald Trump loves the uneducated.

Other than the part about God getting mad about sex and committing genocide on 10 trillion people and even more animals who were also having naughty sex in trees and under rocks, I most enjoy the logic of how 40 days of rain caused the oceans to rise 5 miles high and then seven months later all that water went… Hmm… Um… I know I know, it was sucked up into the firmament and that’s where rain comes from.

One other fun fact, Noah was 350 years old when the flood happened and lived another 400 years to the ripe old age of 950.

One last depressing note, Googling the polls on this I found that it is Americans younger generation who are the growing number of creationists. Two words.  HOME SCHOOLING.