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North Korean Kim Jong Un gone to the dogs

Kim Jong Un gone to the dogs

Kim Jong Un gone to the dogs

So what’s the problem?  Kim Jong Un it seems, stripped his uncle clothless and threw him in a cage with 120 dogs that had not been feed in a week. Eaten alive. Where’s the video? Talk about videos going viral, holy crap.

And this uncle deserved it. He had been known to drink beer, have sex while visiting other countries as he negotiated and talked diplomacy with people from different nations and cultures. Sounds like a liberal to me.

This is something the world’s top executioner, Republican and very good and loud Christian Texas Governor Rick Perry could take note of. We here in Texas could have saved millions in the 232 executions by Rick “Jesus” Perry by working with the SPCA and Ted Nugent.

Texas Senate hopeful Congressman Steve Stockman who is Ted Nugent’s best pal these days, could ask help from Rick Perry to make an agreement with Mr. Nugent to use his West Texas property to fence in starving dog, several lions and polar bears and throw the guilty over the fence in shackles. Or I suppose they could nail him to a couple big boards.

Of course here in Texas we would allow the guilty to wear pants, after all we are not barbarians. And hey, to sweeten the pot we could let Ted shoot any of them who became unnailed trying to climb the fence with his full auto machine guns – which when he uses to kill some hapless animal, he tells us gives him an erection. We could also have a lottery to bring in Texas gun enthusiasts to help machine gun these miscreants down.

My question is, what with all the mainstream and social media attention going this way and that, what is worse, feeding your clothless to the dogs? Or Miley Cyrus swinging clothless on a wrecking ball. Tough call.