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Onion News: FDA Just eat a goddam vegetable and Joe Bidens band

FDA Official: "Just Eat A Goddamn Vegetable"

Straight from the Daily Briefing, the "FDA is urging Americans to put something green in their dumb mouths." Emphasizing that dietary changes are not difficult to work into your daily life, the exasperated FDA spokesman is partially quoted again as saying: "Just buy a bag of ‘freaking’ carrots and eat them the way you eat hot dogs, standing in front of your fridge shoving em into your fat face cold." You see? Healthy eating changes can be easy!

Suggestions for Identifying sexual predators in public by enforcing clothing rules is discussed by assembled offenders, and to the joy of fans everywhere, Joe Biden’s band will reunite for the Superbowl. Described as a blend of psychedelic rock and surf music, they may later tour with Obama and the Feds to various undisclosed locations.