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Pasadena Texas Joe Horn June Indictment

joe hornLast November Pasadena, Texas home owner Joe Horn was told to sit tight after he called 911 to report a mid day burglary going on next door. Instead he went macho, grabbed his 12 guage shotgun, when out side and as the two unarmed black men ran from him he shot them in the back killing both at the scene. 12 guage shotgun, ten feet, in the back.

Joe Horn’s hero status increased appreciably when the black men were also found to be illegal immigrants. Pasadena residents with confederate flag tattoos on their heads could not have been happier. Pictures and videos of subsequent riot.

Joe Horn’s lawyer appeared before the long awaited Grand Jury in this case to say that Mr. Horn was very very very very very sorry. That if he had to do it all over again he would of heeded the 911 operator’s advice and not gone out to shoot unarmed people in the back. Down here in Dumbutt, is the stuff of heros so long as certian racial and ethnic criteria are properly adhered to. Indictment expected this week.

In a related story, just last week two Pasadena police officers were found not guilty of kicking a little old Mexican man to death.  He was sleeping in the back of a pickup truck at 3am. At first the officers and the department lied about it, but a woman witnessed the beating and called 911. The man died because his lung was punctured during the beating where he suffered 13 broken ribs. The officers were returned to duty and we are now all safe from little old sleepy Mexican men! Same old story…

"I got a gun and it aint teenie, it makes up for my little weenie."