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President Benny Carson will create police force to spy on Federal employees

“I am thinking very seriously about adding a covert division of people who look like the people in this room, who monitor what government people do and we make it possible to fire government people,” Dr Ben Carson to the cheers of Iowa Republicans.

Ben Carson new police force to spy on federal employeesGosh Ben, not sure how covert they will be wearing coveralls and smelling like pigpoop.
Make sure to understand this is about FEDERAL employees, you know the ones, far away, far removed from all the manure in the air and very far from being all white like Iowa Republicans.

Just when you think the man cannot come up with anything dumber to say than he already has, he comes up with another doocy, the gift that just keeps on giving.

Ben Carson is now at the point where he has surpassed both fellow black presidential hopeful clowns Alan Keyes and Herman Cain, coming on par with The Donald his own self. Donald Trump who proved that American exceptionalism works, that any person with the brain of a brussel sprout whose father gives them half a billion dollars can make it even in NEW YORK!

Two things here, first that putting federal government employee spies in the cubicle next to federal government employees is what Stalin would do. Kafka’s THE TRIAL comes to mind. And secondly we already have such spies everywhere in the workplace, they are called mangers with access to cameras, spy software and squealers.

The man is an idiot. How can a successful brain surgeon become an idiot?  THREE WORDS.

Seventh Day Adventists.

Or any Evangelical or Fundamentalist Christian, Muslim or… Hmmm… Or… As far as numbers go, those two seem to have that silly crap all wrapped up it seems.