I watched a back and forth between some Republicans for and against Trump. The question came, is having Donald Trump better than having Hillary Clinton as president.
A resounding YES other than a few who refused to answer the question. Like Putin and Dutrete Trump voters are sill over 90% Trump supporters. The same number as elected Republicans supporting him.
So what is it that can make a narcissistic delusional crybaby buffoon and pathological liar better than a reasonable Democrat?
The single most accurate answer to that is to ensure that the government force women to have children they do not want denying a right to an abortion, to birth control and with their AMERICAN health care plan, women’s health in general. .
Secondly comes deregulating the accumulation of wealth for those who have far too much of it.
Only then comes the intolerance, bigotry, walls, hate and racism.
All in all a very pleasant ideology to devote one’s life toward.
It is the nature of the Beast.
Oh, the five worst things a government can do usurping freedom and liberty
- Execution
- Incarceration
- Forcing women to have children they do not want
- The draft
- Taking money and property