Vladimir Putin claims he’s not trying to start another cold war, but we have video proof that he’s fundraising to gear up for another long passive-aggressive war. Of course your eyes may deceive you; Putin’s ‘Kickstarter’ campaign video features a studly and shirtless Putin who looks somewhat like Jimmy Fallon. Of course, it can’t be Fallon…Can it? The virile Russian leader rides ‘that’ horse and a wild Russian bear as he explains what you get if you help fund his Kickstarter plans.
And why not pitch in? The man isn’t a villian you know. Edward Snowden thinks Putin is a swell guy, and Putin’s popularity has recently surged in the U.S. He’s won over the entire Republican and Tea Parties! Those turnips think Putin is the most manly, virile, decisive and fantabulous leader whom they know nothing about – other than that he isn’t Barack Obama.
So hurry now! Get your beer or vodka cozy. Pony up more and get actual face time with the shirtless one. If you’re loaded, donate slightly more than the price of an NPR cookbook and go bear wrestling with Vladimir! Rush your payment and you can travel with the Palin – Huckabee party featuring Lindsey Graham and John McCain riding point.