Big Booty or is it Big Bootie, or Big Back, or Crackapalooza, or Buttzilla?
I have never been a fan of Rap Music. Not for the words mind you, but for the lack of any musical talent involved. The artists don’t play instruments, they can’t sing worth a crap, the music is all the same song stolen in bits and pieces from someone else. Some good lyrics and rhyming though. Butt as far as the music? I suppose I have to say it is better than Disco, but in reality that’s really all it is, disco with the bass and drums turned up. On the very bad side though, Disco lasted a few years, Rap has lasted going on three decades.
Butt this picture has caused me to find a bit of prejudice and bigotry in myself. Perhaps it isn’t so much the lack of musical talent than turns me off, butt instead my inability to see that Buttzilla ass as HOT like black rappers do. But like Brad Paisely, I cannot seem to put myself in their underwear on this issue.