What happened to Alabama Redneck Jeremy Addaway is making a mess of many of our long held stereotypes and generalizations, including mine. What happened to Jeremy Addaway is happening to literally millions of American rednecks across the nation including the South. Our American brand of Christianity which relies so heavy on The Stupid and The Bigotry from the likes of Ray Moore, Mike Huckabee and so on, is getting harder and harder to swallow, especially for the young who get their information not from Fox News, talk radio or even Brian Williams but from the internet, social media and The Daily Show.
Even the Tea Party is trying to break with The Stupid claiming they are the Taxed Enough Already party. Sister Sarah Palin has been thrown under the bus. Chris Christie and Rand Paul are still walking back their anti-vaccination crap. The new media brings The Stupid and The Bigotry to the forefront for all to see with fewer and fewer people wanting to be defined by it.
Recently we have Mike Huckabee and his attacks on Beyonce and the President’s family. Who wants to be defined by that intolerance other than the the talk radio and Fox News audience? Who no matter their present share, are fading.
Now that the evolution debate has finally been won in the courts and public schools, the only thing Mike Huckabee, Scott Walker and those who deny evolution gain to be put on The Stupid list. Parents who shove that silly crap down their children’s throats scar them for life forcing them to forever stay inside the Stupid bubble or defined as a moron for the rest of their lives. It is child abuse.
So with The Stupid and The Bigotry dwindling how are Republicans going to hold on to both Houses of Congress, get the White House and more State Governors and control of legislatures?
Gerrymandering, suppressing the vote, fear, lies and Citizen’s United which is putting a billion dollars into this election cycle by the Koch Brothers alone. You don’t hear the word DEMOCRACY from Republicans…