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Rejected Superbowl Ads, Swiffle! Empowerment For Her!

Rejected Superbowl Ads, Swiffle! Empowerment For Her

If you watch the Superbowl for the commercials as much as for the game,you have plenty of company. Here’s an ad just for the ladies, so after she brings the next round of beer and snacks, invite her to sit down and watch…Just for a minute. She has fun things to do with ‘Swiffle! the Empowerment That Sucks’

These gals get high on Life (and toxic cleaning fumes)just as nature intended. For decades women have shilled for cleaning products, feigning rapture at the site of clean collars, shining floors and sparkling toilet bowls. In this age of equality, advertising tells us that the grungy little tasks around the home still belong in large part, to women.