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Rejecting homos with a Christian smile

rejecting homos with a christian smileA little tea and sympathy for Republicans, after all, a good share of their lives is spent cringing at the constant onslaught of following so much Stupid coming from their Christian base. So cringe-worthy that Republicans have given up fun for a gun. Excuse me, an arsenal of guns. How much fun can you have at the range? Chris Kyle aside.

That is not even counting the thousands of things Republicans cannot enjoy, Like NOVA, or COSMOS, or ART, or Literature, Rock and Roll [other than Ted Nugent and his buddy Kid Rock], NPR, PBS, most all movies, sitcoms, TV Dramas, and HBO. Also very low on actors, celebrities and athletes they can accept. It’s a hard road with not enough compensation from the guns, Jesus, and roadkill to hold back the anger.

I like the homophobic lady in this one with the Wisconsin accent. It aint just Mississippi anymore. As my old pals up there call it since they got Scott Walker, Wississippi.