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Republican Ben Carson is a blithering idiot

Republican Ben Carson is a blithering idiot

Not even Michele Bachmann has said more dumb things than Ben Carson, what is it that can make even lawyers and doctors dumber than a carrot?

The word EVANGELICAL keeps popping up.

But wait, what is the difference between evangelicals and 7th Day Adventists? In short the latter celebrate the Sabbath on Saturday rather than Sunday and believe bad people are annihilated rather than sent to Hell. Otherwise it’s pretty much the same any silly crap with the END TIMES right around the corner. Which both groups have been 100% wrong about 100% of the time. In fact I think that may be the only absolute I can come up with.

My guess is that the GOP debate tomorrow will be the most fun so far with pitbull Donald Trump going after droopy dog Ben Carson for the first time.

Of course the problem for Trump is how to attack Carson without attacking his own base of nitwits who talk Carson’s evangelical language, after all, nuance is not part of Trump’s repartee. It could spell trouble for both of them.

Also keep in mind that the last two winners in Iowa, Huckabee and Santorum, are at the bottom because Carson has taken the wind out of their evangelical intolerance. Maybe they too will have a part to play in taking Carson down.

Though at this point what does it matter?

if Hillary can keep her pantsuit on and not moon any Republicans for another 12 months she has it wrapped up.