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Republican Patriots, Freedom from Obamacare! FOD

patriot brothers obamacareDon’t miss this one! Tea Party Patriot screams FREEDOM FROM OBAMACARE with a colonoscopy garden hose up his ass. Patriots! The 21st Century name for the most rabid right-wing gun nuts the world has ever seen. But what about Somalia you ask? Well okay, you got me on that one. America and Somalia hand in hand.

Well here you have it. The best damn explanation of the Republican view on freedom from healthcare I ever did see. Always remember that every Republican who voted 40 times against Obamacare have the cheapest golden government health care plan in the world. As did Ronald Reagan.

Freedom to by a hypocrite is even more a part of Republican politics than freedom to die without health insurance.  They snack on Twix Bars.  None for you and two for me!

BTW, being from Texas I can tell these guys are Yankee Patriots for I heard not one codeword reference to off color people with unAmerican funny names, or weird hair, or don’t talk no English good, or do not accept Jesus as their personal savior.