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Rick Perry sends National Guard to Border, Sargent cartoon

Rick Perry sends National Guard to Border

What better way for Rick Perry to get into the 2016 presidential game than sending General George Patton down to slap some brown little invading kids around? In fact if a GOP poll was taken today, I bet Perry would lead the pack.

So what will the 1000 National Guard troops be doing for $12 million a month?  The kids and their moms are not sneaking, they are walking TO the Customs agents. The National Guard has no power to arrest anyone. So that leaves… Um… Ah…. I know!  Takes me back…Four Dead in Ohio, Four dead in Ohio… Which begs the question. How many nitwits with a gun are their per 1000 National Guard troops?  One is enough..

BTW, Governor Perry is not longer stupid, he wears thick black glasses now. So don’t worry. And he is well armed. And has executed more people than any American in history and more than most any world leader this century. So he does have a lot going for him as a GOP contender for president.