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Samantha Bee’s Donald Trump nightmare a Paul Lepage reality in Maine

Samantha Bee's Donald Trump nightmare a Paul Lepage reality in MaineSure the comparison of The Donald to Maine’s governor Paul Lapage is apropos, but why hasn’t anyone make a Trump comparison to Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines? How far is STOP AND FRISK from STOP AND KILL?  How many unarmed blacks – or armed blacks doing nothing for that matter – have been shot by police here in America?

You don’t know?  No one does because REPUBLICANS in the House and Senate in the 1990’s – who were paid on the floor by the NRA – passed the NRA laws making it illegal to collect data on guns and gun violence.

Republicans, not Trump, or Milo, or Ted Nugent, or George Zimmerman or Rudy, but REPUBLICANS did that. Elected Republicans. Bathroom ID checking laws to pee, making voting harder rather than easier, religions bigotry laws, a big intrusive government to make reproductive decisions for women who are too stupid [and now too fat I suppose] to make such decisions themselves, tax breaks for the wealthy to put the cost of government on the back of the middle class, and or course the only group in the world to not accept single payer non profit healthcare for all. Republicans. They are unique.

But let’s not miss the point Sam Bee is making here. Maine ended up with a racist buffoon as governor because too many people voted for third party candidates that could not win. A vote for Gary Johnson, or a not voting at all are votes for Donald Trump.