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Save the NWORD only for those who act black

Dont act black

The NWORD is reserved for African Americans who act like African Americans. You know the ones. The flashy clothes, the crotch grab, the spread fingers, the hoodies, the low pants, the convict tattoos and haircuts, the bling and most importantly those who make a fuss about racism being a real thing.

Of course those who use the Nword contend they only mean criminals and lazy bums on welfare of any race. But who do they direct the most hate and most use of the word at? Al Sharpton who is neither white, a criminal or a lazy bum on welfare. What’s up with that?

Remember all the trouble Paula Deen got in last year? Most white people don’t understand what that was about. Paula Deen is little different than any middle aged white Southern woman, millions of whom today support her in every way they can. Why? Do they like getting ever fatter than they already are? Do they hope that Type Two Diabetes kills them and the children they cook for? Or is it deeper than just the promotion of bad food and poor health?

What was that Paula Deen did that was so bad? No, it was not admitting using the NWORD years ago, nor was it sponsoring her brother’s slavery themed wedding. No, it was that in her extensive explanations she saw nothing wrong with either of those things. There’s the rub.

Much like the cop killing Michael Brown in Ferguson. It’s killing the black man rather than the taser. It’s leaving the body in a puddle of blood in the street for five hours. It’s a grand jury system that  shows as even Republican Michael Steele said, “Clearly a black man’s life is not worth a ham sandwich.” It’s the repeat of that over and over again until finally enough is enough and it comes to violence in the streets. The THUG, the HANDS, the SIZE and the CIGARS don’t matter.

BTW, Paula Deen has rehabilitated herself after been tossed off the FOOD CHANNEL and has followed the plan of Glenn Beck’s internet channel THE BLAZE with a $9.99 a month subscription fee, the Other than her following of fat old Southern White women with diabetes it is not doing so well.

Paula Deen failed to understand where all the money comes from in Glenn Beck’s venture. It is not the subscription fee but selling zombie apocalypse products: Dried Food. Seeds. Combat knives. Camo adult diapers. Neighbor shelters. Trailer jacks. Dairy Queen gift cards. Gun accessories. And of course very bad deals on selling gold teeth and their common law wives’ jewelry.