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Scary St Patrick's day with Rob Jackson, FOD

st patricks day with Rob JacksonTrue Story: Up in Wisconsin they drink a lot of beer, to wash down all the cheese and sausages they eat. The people there are of average obesity which is strange. I suppose it is the exercise they get from staggering around in the snow.

Back in my college the local bars opened at 7am on St Patrick's day all serving green beer. I recall one St  Patrick's day in particular. It was most infamous as the one that Britney and Cindy had their contest to see who could bed the most guys in one day.  I missed out because I was too busy tipping over police cars.

But the story we all remember most was the one that most defined Wisconsin's acceptance of beer drinking. Sometime in the early afternoon a cop found Chuck peeing on a wall outside a crowded bar on Main Street. He tapped Chuck on the shoulder and got his legs and shoes peed on when Chuck turned around. The cop told him to zip it up and move on.  Those were the days.