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Scott Lively, raging Christian Bigot, John Oliver

“John Oliver is liar and a fraud who couldn’t go ten minutes with me in an unscripted, unedited debate.” He charged that “without his teleprompter and his cheap-shot, out-of-context video clips he would be exposed as just another left-wing loony.” Scott Lively responding to John Oliver’s truth about him being an idiot and perhaps the most disgusting bigot in the world.

Scott lively piece of poopThe draconian laws against being a homosexual in Uganda, for the most part, lies at the feet Christian pastor Scott Lively. WHo with other American Christians are traveling Africa not to alleiviate hunger, disease or poverty, but rather to get gays and lesbians thrown in jail and have the crap beat out of them.  I would guess the Supreme Court will soon help them along in that endeavor throughout the entire world. After all, it is their firmly held beliefs. Like the family firmly held beliefs of I HATE FAGS.