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SNL 40th Anniversay with Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake

snl 40th anniversary cold openBoy what a bunch of stuff in that song for Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake to remember, oh, cue cards, lots of cue cards. It sure was a good show, much better than any awards show I have seen in the past 40 years, though just as too long.

I did take notice of something that was missing. If you come by here only a few times you will probably hear about the three things that no politician or anyone in the media can disparage here in America: Israel, religion and our troops. Notice anyone following in the footsteps of Michael Moore and Seth Rogen? Or explaining what a violent right-wing twat Bibi is? Or using the term “Religious Terrorists”? Of course not, that is all left to me to do. Making advertisers just flock to this website.

NO CHURCH LADY. Not even a hint of Dana Carvey’s Church Lady… No no no. No-no. No no no no bad enough late night but in prime time is a no no. Though for some reason Seth MacFarlane can get away with a little of it now and again on Family Guy, but then again he gets away with most everything. Not only the record for most farts in any one program, but soon followed by the most farts by one person in any one program. Now that’s the stuff of putting on your tombstone.

I also noticed that it being in prime time they sure took a lot any sexual innuendo out of it. No mention of what’s in that box or Vagisil, though they did get “Jane, you ignorant slut” in there right from the gitgo. I guess we have Rush Limbaugh to thank for making calling women sluts commonplace enough for prime time.