A new study found marijuana to be the safest recreational drug we can use, “Huh, interesting” said a million black dudes in prison for using marijuana.
With Rand Paul winning the CPAC poll now for the third time in a row – followed by Lazy Eye Walker, it’s a good bet that both Justice Ginsberg and Justice Breyer will be retiring come 2017 after Hillary Clinton crushes the Republican party in their biggest defeat since Barry Goldwater in 1964.
I just thought of a funny slogan. JEWS FOR RAND PAUL! I have not heard whether Little Billy Kristol’s head exploded after hearing the news.
A Hillary trouncing could give the GOP a new purpose in life. To make sure Justice Kennedy and Justice Scalia never die. Though we probably should worry about them trying that El Cid prank. Much easier this time around, after all, they don’t have to prop a dead guy up on a moving horse, just have them sit in one place, never speak, and quietly nod once in awhile. You know, like Clarence Thomas.