Exciting changes are in store for American fashionistas; because very soon white people – who have long been the overwhelming majority, will get their opportunity to be ‘the new black.’ The Census Bureau promises that by the year 2044, white faces will literally – stand out in a crowd.
If it is worrying to think of being surrounded by people who are ‘different’ – take off that sheet and take heart. Fortunately, the white majority has long set the standard for how to treat minorities. That’s right, Caucasian Americans can expect the same fair consideration that Native Americans have enjoyed since the Mayflower first hove into view.
Similarly, white Americans ‘bargained’ with the Mexican people to everyone’s advantage. The U.S. got hot, arid lands where white Republicans can retire in a hellish temperature that suits them. In return, Mexican people may return to tend those lands…Barring any incidents with armed goons at the border.
Don’t even get me started with African American people and what whites have done for them…Truly, don’t. Never has any one group received such personal attention from law enforcement, while being ignored in the area of jobs – and disrespected as President of the United States. Just think, white Americans…In a few years, a simple traffic stop could be your ticket to heaven – or to the ICU at minimum.
You know, I have a good feeling about this! I wager that we’ll experience an awakening. White Americans will see how wrong they have been about equal opportunity, police brutality and fair housing. Everyone will feel that changing the laws is simply the ‘right’ thing to do…Quickly.