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Stephen Colbert & Fox News review King Obama’s socialist agenda, Deport Stuart Varney!

fox news stuart varneyTime to deport Fox News Stuart Varney  back to Buckingham Palace.  I mean really, Americans watch Downtown Abby and Upstairs Downstairs because we all strive to be servants in royal society?

I would like to be a fly on the wall at Fox News each morning when they discuss who gets to say the most outrageous stupidass thing. It used to be easy to figure that out, but then they fired Glenn Beck and each day is now up for grabs. Their morning show is hard to beat.  But not to forget the top clown in the Senate Rand Paul who tells us Obama is a “socialist” and the “King.”  That’s a tough one to grab hold of.

BTW, we down here in Dumbutt have sent Ted Cruz up to the Senate who just might beat Rand Paul in the craziest tea party clown department. Halleluiah and pass the assault rifle! With Louie Gohmert in the House, that would give Texas the top too nutjobs in both houses of Congress.  Texas could get back to being number one in something, well other than executions anyway.