Just a reminder to hypocrite Bill O’Reilly. The text of the happily
married Bill O’Reilly’s 2004 dinner conversation with a female Fox News producer. He settled out
of court for millions.
Quoted directly from court documents:
[D]uring the course of their dinner in early May 2002, Defendant BILL O’REILLY’s demeanor abruptly changed. O’REILLY’s eyes became glazed and bizarrely strayed in opposite directions. Suddenly, without provocation or warning, Defendant BILL O’REILLY said to Plaintiff ANDREA MACKRIS: "And just use your vibrator to blow off steam." When Plaintiff reddened, Defendant BILL O’REILLY asked lewdly: "What, you’ve got a vibrator, don’t you? Every girl does." When Plaintiff replied indignantly, "No, and no, they don’t. Does your wife?" Defendant replied: "Yes, in fact she does. She’d kill me if she knew I was telling you!" Plaintiff was repulsed.