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Stephen Colbert The Pabst Blue Ribbon challange

Stephen Colbert Pabst challangePBR FOREVER! It was the cool beer to drink for underage high school students in the Sixties. A switch to Old Milwaukee as college students for the cost savings. Then the lean times between college and a real job it was Old Style. Sadly for the long haul it became Bud and Miller only because that’s what everyone drank and available. Reaching middle age it moved to Heineken and Corona.

And not to forget the new craft beer craze.  I have found craft beers to have the dominate taste of dark beer no matter what the color. On the bright side is that the taste is so cringe worthy, full, muddy and expensive that not enough can be consumed at one time to get drunk. Unlike Bud or Miller Lite where downing a 12 pack per sitting is just a buzz.