You do know of course that all these eCigarette vaporizers can be loaded with weed just as easy and perhaps cheaper than nicotine. Which is why there is such a rush to create laws against eCigarettes.
A very popular Doris Day / Rock Hudson movie LOVER COME BACK covered this issue way back in 1961. It was about an advertising campaign for VIP – a wafer sized pill that got you so drunk you didn’t even know you got married the night before.
I remembered that movie in 1969 when I took my first Quaalude. Or was it a Soaper? I liked Soapers best because they were big and easy to split in half so you could take half now and the other half later so you wouldn’t fall down before the Stones concert even began. Good for front row attendance where beer and bathrooms are unavailable.
Wherever he is, look for him in the front row.
Carved into the gravestone of Rack Jite.