Had to include this for any cat lovers around here.
Though I am a dog person and do not consider myself a cat lover I have always had a cat, which I respected, fed and loved. Thing is about cats is they live too long, almost twice as long as a dog.
This video pretty much puts to rest my argument that cats have serve no benefit to man. And to anyone who has had both a cat and a dog at the same time, as strange as it may seem, the cat is always the alpha in the relationship. I suppose that love in their hearts thing is why dogs go to Heaven and Cats don’t. Well except for Tara here.
I bet yippie-yappie little dogs do better at keeping robbers away than trained killer dogs. And Golden Retrievers for that matter. Sure they may only bring kisses and ball to a home invader, but before that happens their deep low loud barks – which for 30 years have rattled windows and vibrate the doorbell chimes around here – can keep the bad guys away.
Of course we don’t want to talk about the “who” of the bad dog problem for the class, race and ethnicity involved. I guess it’s mostly about who it is that gets robbed and has no insurance.