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Ted Cruz, Evangelicals pick the Devil for President

Ted Cruz, Evangelicals pick the Devil for President

Above all, America’s Evangelical Christian base wants a president who will oversee a big intrusive government that will deny liberty, freedom and equal justice to women, gays and immigrants under the banner of small government of liberty, freedom and equal justice for all, which is the devil of it. Wait a minute… That’s not on the head of Christians, it’s on the head of the entire Republican Party.

Ted Cruz has the added Evangelical Christian bona fides of being consumed with getting as many people executed as he possibly can. Our Pontius Pilate candidate.

The other half of the Republican Base will overlook abortion and homos and only deny liberty, freedom and equal justice to Mexicans and Muslims, and kill as many Muslims as possible all over the world.

Not sure which is worse.  Well I suppose doing something regarding reality Trumps doing things based on make believe. Which seems to be the bottom line of The Enlightenment. Religion has it’s place, but not in the law.