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Texas Dan Patrick, as bad as it gets, Auth Cartoon

texas dan patrick as bad as it gets

Perhaps you have heard that the Tea Party is on the wane across America, well not here in Texas, let me tell you.

Right-wing NRA radio host, Christian Evangelical fundamentalist, creationist and world leader in the war on women and Hispanics beat the pants off of the very conservative Republican sitting Lt Governor David Dewhurst. Beat him  by 30 points in the GOP primary runoff on Tuesday. Dan Patrick speaks for Jesus, God and 3.5% of the registered voters of Texas.

I am willing to bet that there is no statewide elected official in the United States more full of Right-wing swill than Dan Patrick. He is as bad as it gets.

Come November, Patrick will face Democratic State Rep Leticia Van de Putte, an Hispanic woman from San Antonio. Thought Texas Democrats say they now have a chance going up against the most extreme Right-wing candidate in America who got less than 4% of the vote in the runoff, they are dreaming the good dream. For like Wendy Davis, running for Governor the real world of Texas politics has both losing by at least 20 points.  

More on Dan Patrick