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Texas: Rick Perry’s plan after he rejects Medicaid Dollars, Nick Anderson

Perry dumps medicaid


Texas is dead last in the amount of its people uninsured. One quarter of the population having no health insurance at all, mostly children, and none of who get any preventative care whatsoever.   And that is just the half of it.  As the White People of Texas take away everything they can from Blacks and Hispanics – including food, housing, education and now their very lives – the White super majority in the Texas Legislature has passed bill after bill to make shooting them legal sport. It’s no coincidence.  And this not even taking into account the national GOP move to suppress their vote.

On the bright side – these Texas policies, and the national Tea Party policies – are the result of the realization that this is the last stand for White People to screw as many people of  color as they can before only a generation away simple demography will do them in politically.

In Texas even today 62% of eligible voters lean Democrat while the State Legislature is 75% Republican. Republicans manage that by gaming the system, while the scream and carry on like madmen when some book black or Hispanic games a few bucks worth of food stamps.