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Texas White Christians adding bigotry to Texas Textbooks moot point

The conservative think tank Fordham Institute gave a review of the changes the Texas State Board of Education has made to social studies text books which are now pending purchase. Pressure mounts for Texas curriculum redo GOP legislators urge state board to revisit social studies standards


• Discrimination: No mention of Black Codes, the Ku Klux Klan or sharecropping; the term "Jim Crow" never appears.

• McCarthyism: Standards "disingenuously" suggest that the House Un-American Activities Committee’s work had been vindicated by decrypts of Soviet espionage activities that had no link to committee targets.

• Policy: Students "explicitly urged to condemn federal entitlement programs and to mistrust international treaties (considered threats to American sovereignty.)"

• Internment: Exaggerates the "comparatively trivial" interment of German and Italian-Americans to obscure the larger dimension of Japanese-American internment.

• Civil rights: Opposition to the civil rights movement identified only with Southern Democrats in Congress; their metamorphosis into Southern Republicans not mentioned.

Not hard to get the gist of all that hey? Politely called a WHITEwash of history, and a Christian WHITEwash at that.

Two things.

First is this kind of overt ignorance, intolerance, bigotry and racism has come to define what American Christianity has become. And it phises me off.

And secondly, thank the Real Lord (RL) it’s MOOT! Texas is in such fiscal debtmess that there is no money to buy new text books as planned anyway.