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Texas Women screwed by the GOP they vote for, Auth Cartoon

Texas women and the GOP

I am often asked why so much animus directed toward religion, especially the American Evangelical Christianity that dominates our politics? The great unsaid in this political cartoon answers that question. That woman is going to vote for the GOP no matter he pinches her ass and sends her out to get another minimum wage job to feed her kids. It is the why of that which tries my soul.

What is it that can so foul the intellect in getting people to not only vote against their own self interest, but loudly carry on like Mad Hatters at a Tea Party full of rodents of one sort or another?

The ugly side of Jesus Christ has been drilled into these people from birth by their parents, shoved down their throats by the majority of teachers in Texas public schools, pounded into them by the Home Schooling industry run out of Christian book stores, the culture and the local media ramming it up their butts with NRA Jesus at the helm. The problem is not the standard normal rational belief in interactive invisible sky creatures directing all that happens in this world, but what a wholes American Christianity has made of them.

The federal government takes their money to kill babies, to accept sodomites, to regulate pollution, to give free health care, food and education to Negroes, to allow Mexicans to do their dirty work and of course to try the people from Texas from yelling HeHAAA and shooting their guns in the air down at their local Honky Tonk. Better to secede than acquiesce. And the only reason Wendy Davis is within 13 points of Greg Abbott is specifically because she came out in favor of open carry loaded pistols in bars, sporting events and rap concerts. Belief it or not!

Please no tears for the white women of Texas, they get just what they deserve. The old ugly ones who vote and the young pretty ones who chose not to vote.

At present, Republican friend of Ted Nugent Greg Abbott is 13 points ahead of Democrat Wendy Davis for Governor. Though not as bad as the usual 20 point advantage in the rest of the confederate states, it is still a long way to go to turn Texas purple.