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The Nasty Rubarb Lady video

nasty rubarb ladyWhat a neighborhood rhubarb! This one is full of fun.  A really nasty lady with a wrestlers voice dropping more fbombs than a rapper. SNL hopefuls take note, this lady is grist for a popular skit character.

Moving on to the issue at hand is even more interesting.Who would want rhubarb in the first place? It’s growing on the outside of the neighbors fence so what would she care? Why would the neighbor give a crap? So as hard as it may be to accept, the nasty rhubarb lady is right.

Had it been my rhubarb growing under my fenced I would have first said, “You know that Rhubarb makes ya sour! If you make a pie bring a slice over for me to try! Help yourself!.”

Had I been on the other side I would have said, “Your not serious are you? Rhubarb? Oh, I didn’t know you wanted it? So dial 911 and be quiet.”

But the most burning question is… Do you think this issue would have been better resolved if either or both had a gun?