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The Texas Brand

The Republican Brand

Republicans are not like you and I, they don’t love America for what it is, they only love America for what it was.

This is mostly about Texas you know. I think Rick Perry has been the only sitting governor to entertain secession since The War of Yankee Aggression. And if I recall, he did it on the steps of the Alamo waving a six gun in the air. Beat that Mississippi!

So what is it we down here in Dumbutt want to secede back to? Well other than just about every aspect of white.

How far back do we need to go?  I would guess 1858 is optimal. You know, before Darwin and Lincoln fked everything up. But Texas gained Independence in 1836, was it’s own country up until 1845, but then seceded just 15 years later.

So to address the Darwin problem it has to be somewhere between 1836 and 1858. Hey we had bounties on wolves, Indians and Mexicans back then. On and Negros, I almost forgot. But we wanted to take them alive for they were worth something which Mexicans, Indians and wolves were not.

On the down side though the cost of a gun back then was about a years wages so most people couldn’t afford a gun, and those who could usually had only one rather than the average of around 8 each for gun enthusiasts these days. And they only shot once before reloading! OMG. Imagine that…

And women weren’t do damn uppity either not being able to vote and all. And once married whey were not allowed to own property. Neither did we have lazy kids sitting around the house or going to school all day, they worked 12 hours a day in the mills. Times were sweet back then. Oh I almost forgot, most men were drunk most of the time! So there is that.